
Red Curry with Basmati Rice

One way I absolutely love to relax and rewind is to cook a fantastic meal. I don't care how long it takes or what ingredients are required, as long as I have a glass of wine and can savor the fruits of my labor afterwards. It's how I can forget about all those annoying people at work and get into a normal state of mind. One of Andrew's recent string of complaints is about how long it always takes me to make dinner. A majority of the nights we don't end up eating until 8:30pm or 9:00pm because I always decide to make a grandiose dish after getting home from the gym. I'm a believer in eating healthy home cooked meals so I'm not trying to eat garbage every night just because "it's late". Plus, I just love to experiment in the kitchen with different combinations, spices and flavors and oh boy when that chicken comes out of the oven all tender, juicy and hot, it's soooo worth it! Our friends Ashley and Josh have a blog that has inspired me to post my newest favorite dish.
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Max Train Mayhem

The gas prices are ridiculous. It just so happens that as soon as I transferred back to Hillsboro for work, the gas prices started creeping higher and higher. I believe the highest price is just over $4 per gallon and supposedly will get higher once summer hits. My car gets great gas mileage but driving 45 minutes both ways, in stop and go traffic does my gas tank no justice.

Let's not forget about the calluses I get on my hands from gripping the steering wheel so tight, while I curse and glare at the idiots on the road. I am a fierce driver and I get road rage somewhat easily. I've tried to curb this rage by playing calming music, taking deep breaths, opening my sun roof but it usually doesn't last long.
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