
Spring has sprung....... Then the rain came.

Andrew works at Roosevelt High School and it is currently his "spring break". The reason I put it in parenthesis is because in Oregon, it never feels like spring when it should. Spring and "springtime" refer broadly to ideas of rebirth, renewal and regrowth, which is perfect for the birth of this blog and my new inspiration to create something fun and exciting. Also something that people will **hopefully** enjoy reading.
Today, Andrew asked to join me for lunch and of course I said yes because it is always exciting to go to lunch with your hubby, especially when it's his day off. He drove all the way to Hillsboro to pick me up at work then we went to Noodles & Company where we took part in corporate America and ate some corporate noodles (I could make a much better pasta dish at home).

I was so happy and at peace just to see him and get my mind off of work for an hour. Eventually our conversation drifted to this blog I've created. I explained the blog, how cute it was, how fun it was to create it and that I fashioned it after seeing what some of my own friends were blogging. His words?: "Are you serious? About what? No one gives a f***, no one will read it"......... OK SO STAB ME ONE MORE TIME! THEN MAYBE KICK ME WHILE I'M DOWN. Major DB.

Of course, now he has me thinking. Should I be more specific with my blog? I've been reading others and some seem like personal diaries detailing everything you did that day and what it's like sleeping next to your boyfriend. Some are about food and how bad milk hurts your stomach and how delicious your garden grown tomatoes taste. Artsy blogs are kinda cool, detailing photos and artwork that spark the authors interest. Crafty blogs are awesome! But I specialize in only a few crafts, hmm... I like all these ideas. And that is why I told Andrew to SUCK IT. Actually I didn't, I told him that people will read it because, thanks to the age of social media, people want to put their noses in other people's lives! And I'm slowly allowing that to happen.

Maybe no one will read this. Maybe they will, and will hate it. Maybe my mom and dad will be my greatest followers and honestly, I'm ok with that. Or maybe, I will make it all about Andrew and post things that he would never want people to know or see!

He did apologize eventually............ Pin It


  1. I LOVE YOU BLOG LAURA! Keep writing people will ready because they actually care about you! Oh and Andrew too! But occasionally you will have those cyber-stalkers! Just kidding. I often think too do people really read this crap the I'm writing!

  2. well...I read em! You are a great writer and I love knowing about the things going on in that crazy head of yours.

    heres another good verse to go along with the genesis one:

    luke 27-31 “Consider how the lilies grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 28If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you, O you of little faith! 29And do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it. 30For the pagan world runs after all such things, and your Father knows that you need them. 31But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts!